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Presentación Fernando Trinta (visitante brasilero): MpOS: A Multiplatform Offloading System

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The mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, have evolved considerably in last years in computacional terms. Despite advances in their hardware, these devices have energy constraints regarded to their poor computing performance. Therefore, on this context, a new paradigm called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has emerge. MCC studies new ways to extend the computational and energy resources on mobile devices using offloading techniques. A literature survey about MCC has shown that there is no support heterogeneity on reported studies. In response, we propose a framework called MpOS (Multiplatform Offloading System), which supports the offloading technique in mobile application developing for two mobile platforms (Android and Windows Phone). Two case studies were developed with MPoS solution in order to evaluate our solution in each mobile platform. These case studies show how the offloading technique works on several perspectives. In the BenchImage experiment, the offloading performance was analyzed, concerning to its execution on a remote execution site (a cloudlet and public cloud) in the Internet. The Collision application promotes the analysis of the offloading technique performance on real-time application, also using different serialization systems. In both experiments, results show some situations where it was better  to run locally on the smartphone, than performing the offloading operation and vice versa.