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 Publicaciones de Libros y Revistas Internacionales 

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Demarchi, M. C.; Gervaz, S., Pena, G.,  Albanesi, A. & Favre, F. (2025). Enhancing the Accuracy of Thermal Model Calibration: Integrating Zone Air and Surface Temperatures, Convection Coefficients, and Solar and Thermal Absorptivity. Energy and Buildings, 336.


Bibiloni, S., Irimescu, A., Martinez-Boggio, S., Merola, S. & Curto-Risso, P. (2024). Mild Hybrid Powertrain for Mitigating Loss of Volumetric Efficiency and Improving Fuel Economy of Gasoline Vehicles Converted to Hydrogen Fueling. Machines, 12(355).

Dias, F.J., Lacava, P., Curto, P., Penaranda, A., Martinez, S., Weissinger, F.,  Martelli, A. & Santos, L. (2024).  Decarbonizing Light Vehicles with Hydrous Ethanol: Performance Analysis of a Range-Extended PHEV Using Experimental and Simulation Techniques. SAE Technical Paper.

Gervaz, S. & Favre, F. (2024). Identifying Key Parameters in Building Energy Models: Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Residential Typologies. Buildings, 14. buildings14092804

Ghazarian, A., Galione, P. & Curto, P. (2024). Concentrated Solar Power Techno-Economic Analysis in Humid Subtropical South America: The Uruguayan Case. ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 147(1).

Gonzalez, J.C., Simões, G., Bernini, R.B., Coutinho, L.H., Nunez, C.V., Ferreira, C.S. & de Souza, G. (2024). Application of X-ray Spectroscopic Techniques to Determine the Inorganic Composition and Sulfur Chemical Speciation of the Amazonian Plant Bixa orellana. Appl. Sci, 14.

Martinez-Boggio, S, Teixeira Lacava, P, Solferini de Carvalho, F & Curto-Risso, P. (2024.). Combustion diagnosis in a spark-ignition engine fueled with syngas at different CO/H2 and diluent ratios. Gases, 4, pp. 97–116.

Navarrete Cereijo, G., Galione Klot, P. & Curto-Risso, P. (2024). Two-Stage Global Biomass Pyrolysis Model for Combustion Applications: Predicting Product Composition with a Focus on Kinetics, Energy, and Mass Balances Consistency." Energies 17 (19).

Urquiola, A.,  Galione, P.A., Curto-Risso, P.L. (2024). Effect of convective and radiative heat transfer in evaporative losses during beef coolingEffet du transfert de chaleur convectif et radiatif sur les pertes par évaporation pendant le refroidissement de la viande bovine. International Journal of Refrigeration, 161(2024), 1-11.

Wener, N., Martinez-Boggio, S., Favre, F. & Curto-Risso, P. (2024). Zero-dimensional model of a pumped heat energy storage system with reciprocating machines. Applied Energy, 372.


Curto-Risso, P., Martinez-Boggio, S., Monsalve-Serrano, J. & García, A. (2023). High Degree of Electrification in Heavy-Duty Vehicles. Energies, 16(8), 1-20.

Fernández, M.V.; Figueredo, H.; Rivera, J.L.V.; Rodríguez, F.P.; Abreu, M.E.F.; Diaz, F.R.V.; Soto, A.R.; Alvarez, A.A.; Quinteros, R. y Ketterer, C.G. (2023). Mechanical Characterization of a Polymer/Natural Fibers/Bentonite Composite Material with Implementation of a Continuous Damage Model. Appl. Sci.13.

Martinez-Boggio, S., Irimescu, A., Curto-Risso, P., & Merola, S. (2023). Assessment of a Second Life City Vehicle Refurbished to Include Hybrid Powertrain Technology. Machines11(7), 699.

Martinez-Boggio, S., Merola, S., Curto-Risso, P., Vaglieco, B. & Irimescu, A. (2023).  Conversion of a Small Size Passenger Car to Hydrogen Fueling: Focus on Vehicle Dynamics and ECU Remapping Requirements. SAE International.

Pena, G y Curto-Risso, P. (2023.). Disponibilidad de rastrojos y su potencial energético en Uruguay. Revista de Energía de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, 7 (1,) pp. 74-94.

Vanzulli, M.C. & Pérez Zerpa, J.M. (2023). A co-rotational formulation for quasi-steady aerodynamic nonlinear analysis of frame structures. Heliyon, 9(9).


Curto-Risso, P., Favre, F. & Salomone-González, D. (2022). Modeling of heat leak effect in round trip efficiency for Brayton pumped heat energy storage with liquid media, by cooling and heating of the reservoirs tanks.  Journal of Energy Storage, 46.

Curto-Risso, P., Calvo, A.; Medina , A., Roco , J. & González-Ayala, J.  (2022). Pumped heat energy storage with liquid media: Thermodynamic assessment by a transcritical Rankinelike model. Journal of Energy Storage, 56, 1-14.

Díaz-Cuadro, C., Figueredo, H. & Santos, D. (2022). Computational analysis of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction under different graft configurations.  Research on Biomedical Engineering, 38, 913–929.

Figueredo, H. , Valin, J.L., Gonçalves, E., Vinicius, P., Milito, G., Perez, J.O., Palacios, G.F.,  Fernández, M., Araújo, F., Garcia del Pino, G. & Rodriguez, A. (2022). The Restored Premolars Biomechanical Behavior: FEM and Experimental Moiré Analyses. Applied Sciences,12(13),2-14.

Figueredo, H. , Gonçalves, E. , Valin, J. & Ide, L. (2021) Analysis of the Influence of Parafunctional Loads on the Bone-Prosthesis System: A Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 14, 223-232. 10.4236/jbise.2021.146019.

Machín,  S., Blasina, F., Echarri, A., Farber, G., Molina, F. & Pérez, N. (2022). Implementación y Evaluación de un Dispositivo de Simulación de Impactos de Granizo. Ingenieria, 23, 135-150.

Vanzulli, M. & Pérez, J. (2022). A consistent co-rotational formulation for aerodynamic nonlinear analysis of flexible frame structures.


Curto-Risso, P., Calvo, A., Medina , A., Roco , J.; González-Ayala, J. & Salomone-González, D. (2021). Multicriteria optimization of Brayton-like pumped thermal electricity storage with liquid media. Journal of Energy Storage,  44, 1-15.

Figueredo, H., Gonçalves, E., Valin, J. & Ide, L. (2021). Analysis of the Influence of Parafunctional Loads on the Bone-Prosthesis System: A Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 14, 223-232. 10.4236/jbise.2021.146019

Pena-Vergara, G, Castro, L, Gasparetto, C & Bizzo, W. (2021.). Energy from planted forest and its residues characterization in Brazil. Energy. 239.


Curto-Risso, P. y Navarrete, G. (2020). Modelo numérico simple de la combustión de un tronco de madera cilíndrico. ENERLAC : Revista de Energía de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, 4(1),118-131.

Curto-Risso, P., Calvo, A., Medina , A., Roco , J., González-Ayala, J. & Salomone-González, D.  (2020). Pumped heat energy storage with liquid media: Thermodynamic assessment by a Brayton-like model. Energy Conversion and Management, 226.

González, F., Gutiérrez, A. & Galione, P. (2020).  Computational fluid dynamics study of Savonius rotors using OpenFOAM. Wind Engineering, 1(18).


 Favre, F., Antepara, O., Olieta, O., Lehmkuhl, O.;Perez-Segarra, C. (2019). An immersed boundary method to conjugate heat transfer problems in complex geometries. Application to an automotive antenna Applied. Thermal Engineering ,148, 907-928.

Martinez, S., Merola., S., Texeira P.,Irimescu, A. & Curto-Risso, P. (2019). Effect of Fuel and Air Dilution on Syngas Combustion in an Optical SI Engine. Energies,12(8).

Martinez, S.; Merola., S. & Irimescu, A. (2019). Flame Front and Burned Gas Characteristics for Different Split Injection Ratios and Phasing in anOptical GDI Engine. Appl. Sci, 9(3).


Bartrons, E., Galione, P. & Pérez-Segarra, C. (2018). Fixed grid numerical modelling of frost growth and densification.  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 130, 215 - 229.

Favre, F., Antepara, O., Schillaci, E.; Balcázar, N. & Asensi, O. (2018). Numerical study of an impulse wave generated by a sliding mass. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements,  6(1) , 98 - 109. 10.2495/CMEM-V6-N1-98-109

Favre, F.;  Gutierrez, E, Bálcaza. N., Amani, A. & Rigola, J. (2018). Numerical approach to study bubbles and drops evolving through complex geometries by using a level set - moving mesh - immersed boundary methodChemical Engineering Journal, 349.

Favre, F.,  Gutierrez, E., Bálcaza N. & Rigola, J.  (2018). On the solution of the problem of a drop falling against a plane by using a level set - moving mesh - immersed voundary method. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 6(1), 208 - 219. 10.2495/CMEM-V6-N1-208-219

Martinez, S., Lacava, P., Curto, P.L., Irimescu, A., Merola. (2018). Effect of Hydrogen Enrichment on Flame Morphology and Combustion Evolution in a SI Engine Under Lean Burn Conditions, SAE Technical Paper.  doi:10.4271/2018-01-1144 

Pena, G., Durante, A. y Curto-Risso, P.  (2018).Aprovechamiento energético de residuos agrarios en Uruguay. ENERLAC Revista de Energía de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, 2(1), 1-17.

Reyes-Ramírez, I., Martínez-Boggio, S., Curto-Risso, P., Medina, A., Calvo Hernández, A., & Guzmán-Vargas, L. (2018). Symbolic Analysis of the Cycle-to-Cycle Variability of a Gasoline–Hydrogen Fueled Spark Engine Model. Energies11(4), 968.


Durante, A., Pena-Vergara, G., Curto-Risso, P.,  Medina, A. & Calvo Hernández, A. (2017). Thermodynamic simulation of a multi-step externally fired gas turbine powered by biomass. Energy Conversion and Management, 140, 182-191.

Martinez-Boggio, S., Curto-Risso, P., Merola, P., Irimescu, S. & Lacava, P. (2017). Flame Front Propagation in an Optical GDI Engine under Stoichiometric and Lean Burn Conditions.  Energies, 10(9).

Navarrete, G., Curto-Risso, P., & Bizzo, w. (2017). Simplified model and simulation of biomass particle suspension combustion in one-dimensional flow applied to bagasse boilers. Biomass and Bioenergy, 99, 38-48.

Urquiola, A., Alvarez, G. &Flick, D. (2017).Frost formation modeling during the storage of frozen vegetables exposed to temperature fluctuations. Journal of Food Engineering, 214, 16-28.


Favre, F., Colomer, G., Lehmkuhl, O. & Oliva, A. (2016). Numerical simulations of conjugate convection combined with surface thermal radiation using an Immersed-Boundary Method. Journal of Physics Conference Series

Golpe, A. (2016). La Gestión del Conocimiento como parte integrante del Gerenciamiento Estratégico de Costos. Revista Iberoamericana de Contabilidad de Gestión, 14(28), 1- 17.

Martinez-Boggio, S., Curto-Risso, P., Medina, A. & Calvo, A. (2016). Quasi-dimensional Modeling of Cyclic Variability in Gasoline-Hydrogen Spark Engines. International Journal of Applied Thermodynamics, 19(2), 92-100. 10.5541/ijot.5000155476

Martinez-Boggio, S., Curto-Risso, P., Medina, A. & Calvo, A. (2016). Simulation of cycle-to-cycle variations on spark ignition engines fueled with gasoline-hydrogen blendsInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(21), 9087-9099.


Galione, P., Lehmkuhl, O., Rigola, J. & Oliva, A. (2015). Fixed­-grid numerical modeling of melting and solidification using variable thermo-physical properties —Application to the melting of n­Octadecane inside a spherical capsule. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 86, 721-743.

Galione, P., Pérez-Segarra, C., Rodríguez, I., Torras,S. & Rigola, J. (2015). Multilayered solid-PCM thermocline thermal storage for CSP. Numerical evaluation of its application in a 50MWe plant. Solar Energy, 119, 134 - 150.

Galione, P., Pérez-Segarra, C., Rodríguez, I., Torras,S. & Rigola, J. (2015). Multi­layered solid­PCM thermocline thermal storage concept for CSP plants. Numerical analysis and perspectives. Applied. Energy, 142, 337-351.

Hunicz, J., Medina, A., Litak, G., Curto-Risso, P. & Guzmán-Vargas, L (2015). Effects of Direct Fuel Injection Strategies on Cycle-by-Cycle Variability in a Gasoline Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine: Sample Entropy Analysis. Entropy, 17(2), 539 - 559. 


Galione, P., Lehmkuhl, O., Rigola, J. & Oliva, A. (2014). Fixed ­Grid Modelling of Solid­Liquid Phase Change in Unstructured Meshes Using Explicit Time Schemes. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 6527-52.

Sen, A., Curto-Risso, P., Medina, A.. & Calvo Hernández, A. (2014). Effect of ethanol addition on cyclic variability in a simulated spark ignition gasoline engine. Meccanica.  Meccanica, 49, 2285–2297.


Curto-Risso, P.,  Medina, A., Calvo Hernández, A., Guzmán-Vargas, L. & Angulo-Brown, F. (2013). Fluctuations in the Energetic Properties of a Spark-Ignition Engine Model with Variability. Entropy, 15, 3277-3296.

Davoine, F., Galione, P., Ramos, J., Leinen, D., Martín, F., Dalchiele, E. & Marotti, R. (2013). Modeling of gradient index solar selective surfaces for solar thermal applications. Solar Energy, 91,316 - 326.

Golpe, A. (2013). El gerenciamiento estratégico de costos y la cadena de valor en la época digital. Revista Costos y Gestión de IAPUCO.


Medina, A., Curto-Risso, P. L., Hernández, A. C., Guzmán-Vargas, L., Angulo-Brown, F., & Sen, A. K. (2014). Quasi-dimensional simulation of spark ignition engines: From thermodynamic optimization to cyclic variability. Springer-Verlag London Ltd.

Based on the simulations developed in research groups over the past years, Introduction to Quasi-dimensional Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines provides a compilation of the main ingredients necessary to build up a quasi-dimensional computer simulation scheme. Quasi-dimensional computer simulation of spark ignition engines is a powerful but affordable tool which obtains realistic estimations of a wide variety of variables for a simulated engine keeping insight the basic physical and chemical processes involved in the real evolution of an automotive engine. With low computational costs, it can optimize the design and operation of spark ignition engines as well as it allows to analyze cycle-to-cycle fluctuations.


Pittaluga, L., &  Snoeck, M. (2012). Animal vaccines in Uruguay: A truncated discovery process. En: Sabel, C., Fernández-Arias, E., Hausmann, R., Rodríguez-Clare, A., Stein, E. (Eds.) (2012), Export Pioneers in Latin America (pp. 271-294).

Snoeck, M. & Pittaluga, L. (2012). Software Discovery in Uruguay: Public-Private Solutions to Coordination Failures.  En: Sabel, C., Fernández-Arias, E., Hausmann, R., Rodríguez-Clare, A., Stein, E. (Eds.), Export Pioneers in Latin America (pp. 239-270). David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studie.

Why do some new export activities succeed while others do not? Why are some not even attempted? In this book, distinguished research teams analyze eleven cases of new export endeavors in six Latin American countries to learn how export pioneers are born and jump-start a virtuous process leading to economic transformation. The case studies range from blueberries in Argentina and fresh cut flowers in Colombia to aircraft in Brazil and software in Uruguay. 


Amorena, M. (2011). Modelo de Integración de Sistemas de Gestión. Universidad de León.

Curto-Risso, P., Medina, A. & Calvo Hernández, A. (2011). Optimizing the geometrical parameters of a spark ignition engine: simulation and theoretical tools. Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(5), 803-810.

Medina, A., Curto-Risso, P. L., Hernández, A. C., Guzmán-Vargas, L. & Angulo-Brown, F. (2011). On cycle-to-cycle heat release variations in a simulated spark ignition heat engine. Applied Energy, 88 ,1557-1567.


Medina, A., Curto-Risso, P. L., Hernández, A. C., Guzmán-Vargas, L. & Angulo-Brown, F. (2010). Monofractal andmultifractal analysis of simulated heat release fluctuations in a spark ignition heat engine. Physica A - Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 389 (24) ,5662-5670.

Galione, P., Baroni, A., Ramos, J., Leinen, D., Martin, F., Marotti, R & Dalchiele, E. (2010). Origin of solarthermal selectivity and interference effects in nickel-alumina nanostructured films, Surf. & Coat. Tech., 204, 2197-2201.

Rivas, S., Perondi, E., Roland, M &  Sobrinho, S. (2010). Adaptive controlfor an active suspensiòn of an elevator. ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics, 4. 


Curto-Risso, P., Medina, A. & Calvo Hernández, A.  (2009). Optimizing the operation of a spark ignition engine: Simulationand theoretical tools. Journal of Applied Physics, 105.

Silveira,L. y Gazzano, M. (2009). Introducción a la Calidad Total. Lapsus Ltda.