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Seminario del Prof. Jean-Michel Hervouet

El Prof. Jean-Michel Hervouet del Laboratorie d'hydraulique Saint Venant - EDF - de Francia brindará en nuestra Facultad un seminario titulado "Free surface flows and other joys".

La actividad será el día martes 7 de marzo a las 10 h en el Salón Posgrados IMFIA.

Una breve biografía de Jean-Michel Hervouet
Jean-Michel Hervouet (born 1956) graduated at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA - 1980). He is currently Senior Research Engineer at the Research & Development division of Electricité de France, and is the main developer of the Telemac hydroinformatic system, now a worldwide used freeware and open source software ( He received in 2001 a «Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches» (Caen University), and then a qualification of University professor in 2003, in two disciplines: mechanics and environment. He has been lecturing in various Engineering Schools in France, such as «Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées», ENSTA, «Ecole Centrale de Nantes» and «Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris». He is a reviewer of several journals on Hydraulics (Journal of Hydraulic Research, Hydrological Processes), and acted as an expert for the evaluation of projects in the European FP7 program. He published the book “Hydrodynamics of free surface flows, modelling with the finite element method” (Wiley 2007). He received in 2013 the “Grand Prix d’Hydrotechnique” of the Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF).