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Conferencias del Dr. Luca Gandossi en el IEM

El Dr. Luca Gandossi visitará nuestro país y brindará dos conferencias en la Sala de Actos del Instituto de Ensayo de Materiales de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Las charlas serán en inglés y se llevarán a cabo el miércoles 7 -El vinculo entre la calificación de la inspección y la metodología RI-ISI (Risk Informed in Service Inspection)- y jueves 8 de setiembre - Shale gas: ¿qué es y por qué es controversial?-, a las 10 y 18 horas, respectivamente.

1. Conferencia: "The link between inspection qualification and RI-ISI."
Expositor: Dr. Luca Gandossi
Fecha y lugar: Miércoles 7/9, 10hs-  Sala  de actos del IEM, F.Ingeniería

An important need exist for a quantitative measure of inspection effectiveness of nuclear component as an input to risk-informed in-service inspection (RI-ISI). A Probability of Detection (POD) curve could provide a suitable metric. The ENIQ inspection qualification methodology has been used in the European nuclear industry since several years. It can provide high assurance that an inspection system will achieve its objectives, but is not designed to provide a quantitative measure of the type that can be used in RI-ISI analysis. This lecture presents the ENIQ methodology and discusses the issues related to the establishment of a viable link between inspection qualification and RI-ISI.

2. Conferencia: "Shale gas – what is it and why is it controversial?"
Expositor: Dr. Luca Gandossi
Fecha y lugar: Jueves 8/9, 18hs- Sala  de actos del IEM, F.Ingeniería

Resumen: Shale gas has brought about a revolution. This lecture will explore several issues related to this unconventional fossil fuel, touching on the technical, the economics and the environmental aspects associated to its exploitation. Some attention will be given to discussing alternative technologies to the controversial technique of hydraulic fracturing.

Resumen biográfico del Dr. Gandossi

Luca Gandossi is a scientific officer at the Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, located in Petten, The Netherlands. He has a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan and a Ph.D. in materials engineering from Swansea University in the United Kingdom. He has worked for several years in the field of nuclear safety, in particular in the area of structural integrity and inspection qualification. Since 2012 he has been involved in research activities related to shale gas and other unconventional hydrocarbons, with a focus on the technologies deployed to fracture the reservoir rock.