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EdTech Winter School: Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology

La Fundación Ceibal está organizando el 1º EdTech Winter School, denominado “Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology”. El evento se desarrollará del 3 al 7 de julio de 2017.

El evento reunirá a estudiantes de postgrado y académicos de las principales instituciones de educación superior en el país y la región de América Latina.

El objetivo es ofrecer un ambiente de aprendizaje estimulante para que los participantes presenten y discutan desafíos clave, tendencias de investigación y oportunidades, para prever nuevos horizontes en las prácticas de educación, aprendizaje y enseñanza potenciadas por las tecnologías digitales.

EdTech Winter School está organizada en asociación con  ANII (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación), Departamento de Comunicación. Departamento de Educación (Universidad Católica del Uruguay), Universidad ORT, FLACSO Uruguay, Universidad de Montevideo y Facultad de Ingeniería (Universidad de la República).

Descripción del evento que se dictará enteramente en inglés.


The Winter School will offer an exciting opportunity for postgraduate students and early career faculties to present and discuss relevant EdTech policies and research for studying the future of education and technology, innovation and inclusion in the coming decade.



PROGRAMME (4 days +1 open day)

4 days – From the 3rd July until the 6th July 2017

Open day – 7th July 2017

During a week of academic and social activities, candidates are expected to gain valuable knowledge, skills and meaningful perspectives in the fields of EdTech, innovation and inclusion. The official language of the event will be English. The programme will combine keynote lectures, training and participating in joint project-based learning.


We have invited renowned academics as keynotes to this academic event. Their participation will involve presentations, training on new research techniques, social networking as well as participation in the “open day”. Some of the experts already confirmed are:

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Claudia Urrea, PhD (Bio)

Clauda Urrea is an international referee in the One Laptop per Child organization, currently acting as Associate Director at the Office of Digital Learning of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research has been focused in online learning and assessment, curriculum design, pre-K12 and higher education for developing countries, teacher professional development, educational programming and robotics. 

Taha Yasseri, PhD (Bio)

Taha Yasseri is a Research Fellow in Computational Social Science at the Oxford Internet Institute, a Faculty Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science, and Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. His research has been focused in Big data, human dynamics, peer production, Wikis, online societies, conflict and cooperation, opinion formation, language complexity, collective behaviour, social networks, agent-based modelling, urban computing.


Monica Bulger, PhD (Bio)

Monica Bulger leads the Enabling Connected Learning initiative at the Data & Society Research Institute. She is a Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society and a Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute. She is an educational researcher contributing policy research to multi-national groups such as UNICEF, ECPAT, and the European Commission.  Her work focuses on the implications of technology use for youth with a particular focus on learning, safety, and empowerment. 


Arnon Hershkovitz, PhD (Bio)

Arnon Hershkovitz is a Senior Lecturer in Tel Aviv University – School of Education (Israel). His main research areas are Educational Data Mining, Learning Analytics, one-to-one computing in schools and learning-related aspects of using social media. He holds a PhD in Science Education, an M.A. in Applied Mathematics and a B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science. 





24th February 2017 - Call for applications opens

13th  April 2017 - Deadline for submitting applications

13th  April 2017 - 30th April 2017 - Evaluation and selection of candidates

2nd May until 5th May 2017 – Communication to selected candidates


21st May 2017 - Deadline (payment of registration fee)

5th June 2017 - Deadline (payment of participation fee)



For information about the costs of participation and how to apply, access the details of the call

Further information please contact us: fundacion (at) ceibal. edu. uy