Hola, este martes a las 10:00hs tendremos el seminario virtual de Geometría Noconmutativa del Atlántico Sur (GeNoCAS).
En esta oportunidad va a hablar Roozbeh Hazrat (Western Sydney University)
Title: Irreducible representations of Leavitt algebras
Abstract: For a graph E we construct a “representation graph” F and consequently a representation V_F for the Leavitt path algebra L(E). Our approach gives a completely new way to construct Chen/Rangaswamy simple modules of these algebras. Besides being more visual, this approach allows for generalising to weighted graphs and produce irreducible representations for Leavitt algebras L(n, m). This is a joint work with Raimund Preusser and Alexander Shchegolev from St. Petersburg.
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